: " . ".
: " . ". , , .
, , .
שׂ. [ - , - homo ludens, homo sapiens, . . - , - , ". .
, , (, " ), . .
. . "[] ... . - - vates.
e.r. dodds, the greeks and the irrational, (p. 100, (108),
"several indo-european languages have a common term for "poet" and "seer" (latin vates, irish fili etc.)"[1] :)
"", (seers), , [2] , , ( ):
() בּוּ פּדּ בּוּ שּׁלּ וּ יִשׂ נּ שׁגּ שׁ וּ וֹ בּ שׂ.
" : שּׁלּוּ - . וּ - , :
() שׁ נּ אַ בּ נּ יּ וֹ ...() יּ נּ נּ נּ גּ: () יּ... () יּ...
() וּ יּ וֹ שׁוֹ דּוּ בּ שׁגּ זּ יּ אַתּ תּ שׁ שׂוֹ.
, :
the lunatic, the lover, and the poet,
are of imagination all compact;
one sees more devils than vast hell can hold,
that is, the madman; the lover, all as frantic,
sees helen's beauty in a brow of egypt:
the poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
and, as imagination bodies forth
the forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
a local habitation and a name.
william shakespeare (from a midsummer night's dream)
-vates, - - , . willing suspension of disbelief - - , , . "" - , - marianne moor, . , ; - , , , . : , . , , " [ ] " ( " ", ' 1).
, vates-, , , , - , - , . , .
- . : - - - . . ( , [] , , , [ ] , [ ]. (= ) , tranquillity.
. . - - , ". , . - ". - . . . - , - .
. : , . (vates) . . " - " (' 3).
: 1) , ( 2): , ( ).
" " - " ": , [ . .] . " (' 4). .
. - vates, .
believing that all events were meaningful,. significant dreams were remembered and interpreted to gain larger meaning of the person or even the community within the
magical world.
-vates. -vates, ( ) - - .
, ( ') , - . , .
. - . " - - ". (' 5)
[ ' , , - - : ' - . .]
- - . : . ( 19-. , . ).
. . , .
, , : [ , : ]: "". - - . . , "" .
, , .
, , .
" " .
. - , -oedipus rex, .
. " .... ". , .
, . - - ; : , .
[1] http://plaza.ufl.edu/luxjw/naso.html
the vates, or the 'seers', were ... visionaries, and bards, who viewed the world as a magical place. believing that all events were meaningful,. significant dreams were remembered and interpreted to gain larger meaning of the person or even the community within the magical world. they believed that all things in nature, seen and
unseen could also be learned from.
this 'reading' of the signs was the job of the vates. their divination came in many forms, from watching the animals and nature, to casting stones or specially carved sticks...etc.
being a vates is a spiritual experience of direct communication and inspiration by the divine. it presupposes an ancient understanding of the divine - that which moves/urges you. thus, when a vates emits verse, he is being moved by some type of divinity - enthusiasm. the vates seems to have little choice in the matter.
a vates is the mediator between the divine and the audience. the vates has no responsibility over what he emits (ironic how the god of reason/control is also the god of poetry .the muse is the keymaster for the vates. without her, the vates is not able to produce poetry, i.e. - interpret/understand what the divine is dictating to him. the muse is the lifelong companion of the vates reminding him to cherish every moment and see the mirablia in all life. if the muse dies or leaves, the poet dries up, never to be heard
from again.
- . [2] - , , . . , , .
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